Recommended Sources for Quality Essential Oils

There are many sources for essential oils available to you, but most of them use cheap, adulterated oils or synthetic copies which don't even contain essential oil. 

Many companies simply sell products that smell like the oil listed on the label but are actually made chemically; they have none of the properties of the oil they pretend to be.

If you intend to use your oils for inhalation, consumption or topical application, purchasing these cheap knock-offs can be, at best a waste of your money, and at worst, a very real hazard to your health.  

See the following warning ...

Warning - Don't Go Cheap

When it comes to essential oils, cheap usually means chemically made. Check out my page on Essential Oil Quality for more information.

I Must Apologize

The company I was going to recommend on this page has been acquired by another company and their oils are temporarily going through a repackaging process.

These oils are temporarily not available for purchase.

Do you want to be informed when they are available again?

Please use my "Contact Me" form and enter the following in the applicable field:

  • "Please contact me when your recommended oils are again available for purchase"

I will contact you as soon as I hear this company has completed it's repackaging and it's oils are again available for purchase.

I am truly sorry that, at this time, I am unable to provide you with my recommendation but I assure you that I will respond to your request as soon as possible.

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