Essential Oils
God's Medicine Cabinet

Essential Oils are the vital fluids of plants or put another way, their "life blood". They are called essential because they are required for the life of the plant.

They contain the "essence" of the plant and their healing power also works on people.

Their value to us is in the benefits they provide in all areas of our lives; physically, mentally, emotionally as well as spiritually.

These oils, mentioned frequently in the Bible, have been around throughout recorded history and have been used by ancient peoples in religious ceremonies, for medicinal purposes, food preparation and of course, aroma therapy.

In our western culture, unfortunately, they were largely forgotten until recently. Even today most people think of essential oils as nice smelling liquid used in perfumes, relaxation and massage parlors or to add flavor to cooking.

We Need to Expand Our Definition

Essential Oils "help regenerate, balance, calm, bring energy and many more functions too numerous to mention" - Daniel Pénoël

Much has happened in our recent past that has been largely overlooked by the general public.

Over the last hundred years oil usage has continued to grow as health scientists began research into the medical and health benefits of various oils.

No longer are they being relegated to small, dark corner stores where the curious may shop for oils like Lavender to make their home smell nice.

In early 1900 the French chemist René-Maurice Gattefossé coined the term "aromathérapie" which French doctor's eventually used to describe medical/surgical procedures and pharmaceutical applications of natural oils.

For this as well as his subsequent research he has become known as the "Father of Aromatherapy".

Surprising Fact

In France oils were once Prescribed and Received Government Backing. The French welfare system paid 90% of the cost and complimentary insurance would pay the other 10%.  Dr Daniel Pénoël

During WW1, René-Maurice Gattefossé used various oils such as Lavender, Thyme, Lemon and Clove for their antiseptic properties in the treatment of soldiers in military hospitals.

Over the past several decades much research has been done and has been recognized in universities all over the world.

In fact there have been thousands of research papers and articles posted in respected, peer-reviewed journals involving essential oils and their effect on our health.

Essential Oils in Massage Therapy

"The way to health is to have an aromatic bath and scented massage every day"  Hippocrates

Massage therapy comes very naturally to us all.

If your neck is stiff you will massage it; if your leg muscle aches you will massage it; if you stub your toe you will massage it.

Utilizing various oils such as True Lavender, Wintergreen, Eucalyptus Radiata, Roman Chamomile, Clove, etc. in the process, will enhance your results.

Skin Care

Many oils act on skin blemishes, irritations, insect bites or cuts. Oils such as  Peppermint, True Lavender, Tea Tree, Frankincense, Pine, etc. can be included in your first aid kit.

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