Stress Management

Essential oils are probably best known for their role in the area of stress management.

When inhaled, these volatile oils stimulate your olfactory nerves causing changes within the emotional center of your brain.

Oils of Gladness

Ointment and perfume rejoice the heart.

Proverbs 27:9

We have all experienced times when a familiar odor will conjure up peaceful images or emotions within us.

Scents are triggers that have a direct effect on your emotions and are therefore very effective tools for stress management. 

Calming Oils for Stress Management

Aromatherapy: Effectiveness on Anxiety of Users

Aromatherapy has demonstrated effectiveness in anxiety relief, considering the decrease of heart and respiratory rates in patients diagnosed with personality disorders during psychiatric hospitalization.
Domingos Tda S1, Braga EM2.

Balsam Fir

Balsam Fir Oil can be added to a cup of Epsom salts in your bath, diffused or applied topically to help calm depression, tension and anxiety.

Use it to fight insomnia.

More on Balsam Fir

Bergamot Essential Oil 

Bergamot can be used to calm your anxiety and to assist with nervous exhaustion.

More on Bergamot Essential Oil 

True Lavender Essential Oil

True Lavender is a very pleasing aromatic oil with many varying benefits and is the first one I think of when someone asks about using oils for stress management. 

You can use it to calm convulsions, nerves and spasms; ease palpitations and overcome shock; calm your racing heart or pulse.

Apply it to your chest, neck, and pillow to promote restful sleep. It can also be added to 1 cup of Epsom Salts and used in a nice relaxing bath.

More on True Lavender Essential Oil

Roman Chamomile Essential Oil

Roman Chamomile is great for your nervous tension and anxiety and can be used to treat shock.

Add a few drops to a cup of Epsom Salts and take it in a nice hot bath or massage a couple drops onto the back of your neck.

Roman Chamomile also appears in the "Anger and Frustration" category below.

More on Roman Chamomile Essential Oil

Sandalwood Essential Oil

Sandalwood has a long history in stress management for reducing nervousness and anxiety. It is known to induce a calm and meditative state and can be used to overcome depression and insomnia.

Rub a couple drops on your forehead for deep nervous system relaxation.

Sandalwood also works great when diffused.

More on Sandalwood Essential Oil

Spruce Essential Oil

Use Spruce Essential Oil to calm and uplift your spirits and help with hyperthyroidism.

Add a couple drops in a lotion to apply daily or diffuse it in the air.

More on Spruce Essential Oil

Sweet Basil

Sweet Basil can be used to clear confusion, stimulate your mind and relieve nervous tension. Just rub a couple drops in your palms and breathe it in.

More on Sweet Basil

Tangerine Essential Oil

Tangerine Essential Oil can be used for insomnia and to ease nervous tension. Diffuse 20 drops several times a day to reduce restlessness, anxiety and nervous tension.

Blend with a carrier oil 50:50 and massage it into your feet.

More on Tangerine Essential Oil

Vetiver Essential Oil

Vetiver oil will calm your nervous system and help with insomnia. It can be diffused in the air or used as a massage blend with 50:50 carrier oil. You can also add it to a cup of Epsom Salts for a nice relaxing bath.

Vetiver also appears in the "Anger and Frustration" Category below.

More on Vetiver Essential Oil

Ylang Ylang Essential Oil

Ylang Ylang Essential Oil will help you overcome depressed or negative emotions. Massage it into your shoulders and feet.

More on Ylang Ylang Essential Oil

Reduce Anxiety

Cypress Essential Oil

Cypress Essential Oil can help calm your nervous tension and stress and can even be used to control excessive perspiration.

More on Cypress Essential Oil

Frankincense Essential Oil

Frankincense Essential Oil can be diffused to reduce your anxiety and nervous tension and it is even effective at slowing your breathing.

More on Frankincense Essential Oil

Grapefruit Essential Oil

Grapefruit Essential Oil helps alleviate stress and can help elevate your mood.

More on Grapefruit Essential Oil

Orange Essential Oil

Orange Essential Oil in your bath will assist with anxiety and stress related conditions.

More on Orange Essential Oil

Anger and Frustration

Cinnamon Essential Oil

The scent of Cinnamon Essential Oil will warm your senses and help release feelings of anger and frustration.

More on Cinnamon Essential Oil

Roman Chamomile Essential Oil

Roman Chamomile is very useful for children as it will help calm anger and tantrums. It will invoke peaceful feelings and assist in times of sadness and loss.

Add a few drops to a cup of Epsom Salts and take it in a nice hot bath or massage a couple drops onto the back of your neck.

Roman Chamomile also appears in the "Calming Oils" category above.

More on Roman Chamomile Essential Oil

Vetiver Essential Oil

Vetiver Essential Oil is very useful for addressing behavioral problems in children. Rub a couple drops in your palms and have your child breathe it in.

Vetiver also appears in the "Calming Oils" Category above.

More on Vetiver Essential Oil

Oils for Stress Management

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Where Can I Get These Oils?

I don't sell oils but here are my
recommended sources.

The companies I use and recommend guarantee the quality of their oils and I believe you will be satisfied with all your purchases, I am.

If you have any questions/concerns feel free to contact me.

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