Sore Throat Remedy

Did you know that essential oils work great as a sore throat remedy?

My first experience with using an essential oil as a sore throat remedy was with Tea Tree (Melaleuca) Oil. I was told to put a drop on the back of my wrist and then lick it off.

I swished it around in my mouth allowing saliva to build up and then slowly let it drain down my throat. I was amazed at how quickly it relieved the pain.

Note: For your safety and for optimum results you should always look for Clinical Grade Oils especially when you intend to consume them internally. 

Since then I have learned that there are many essential oils that can be used as a sore throat remedy and to experiment with them to find the oils that work best for you.

Here are a few options that you can try ...

Sore Throat Remedy Possibilities

Clove Essential Oil

Clove Oil is well known for its ability to numb pain. Dentists used to use it for that reason. It is also known for it's antibacterial, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antiviral and antimicrobial properties.

Add a couple drops to some warm water and gargle with it. For even better results add some lemon, peppermint and eucalyptus as well. Remember to spit out the solution when you are done.

More on Clove Essential Oil and how to use it.

Eucalyptus Essential Oil

Another of my favorite oils is Eucalyptus Radiata (not to be confused with Eucalyptus Globulus). It is a great smelling oil that works wonders for all respiratory conditions including clearing mucous and excess phlegm. 

You can use it in your diffuser or inhale it with steam. It can also be combined with other oils in a capsule to take internally. (see further down this page for instructions)

Add a couple drops to some warm water and gargle with it. For even better results add some lemon, peppermint and clove as well. Remember to spit out the solution when you are done.

More on Eucalyptus Radiata and how to use it.

Lavender Essential Oil

True Lavender has antibacterial and antiviral properties which work well on a sore throat that is due to viral or bacterial infections.

Lavender Essential Oil can almost be used for any health condition and is considered the universal oil for almost any condition you may face.

Try adding lavender to some warm water and gargle for one minute before spitting it out.

True Lavender Essential Oil is one of my favorite oils and I wouldn't be without it in my home.

More on True Lavender Essential Oil and how to use it.

Lemon Essential Oil

Lemon oil is very well known as a sore throat remedy. You probably already add it to honey in a hot water beverage but it can be used in other ways as well.

Breathing it in from your diffuser or with steam works wonders. It can also be combined with other oils in a gelatin capsule to take internally. (see further down this page for instructions)

Add a couple drops to some warm water and gargle with it. For even better results add some clove, peppermint and eucalyptus as well. Remember to spit out the solution when you are done.

More on Lemon Essential Oil and how to use it.

Oregano Essential Oil

Oregano is among the most effective essential oils in tests against 65 bacteria with varying resistance to antibiotics" (Mayaud L, et al., 2008).

Oregano is another oil with antimicrobial (comparable with penicillin), antiviral and anti-fungal properties which make it very effective for sore throats.

Try adding a drop or 2 to some steaming water, cover your head and inhale deeply.  

More on Oregano Essential Oil and how to use it.

Peppermint Essential Oil

Peppermint is another essential oil I believe to be a "must have" for my medical toolbox. 

This very versatile oil can be mixed with a spoon of honey and sucked on, or massaged over the painful area to relieve a sore throat. It can also be mixed with other oils in a gelatin capsule to take internally. (see further down this page for instructions)

Add a couple drops to some warm water and gargle with it. For even better results add some lemon, clove and eucalyptus as well. Remember to spit out the solution when you are done.

Peppermint Essential Oil is a "must have" in your EO arsenal.

More on Peppermint Oil and how to use it.

Tea Tree Essential Oil

Tea Tree Oil or Melaleuca oil has been used in holistic medicine to stimulate the immune system and for all types of infections, cuts, scrapes, burns, itches, cankers, cold sores, insect bites, warts, etc.

As I said in my intro above, put a drop on the back of your wrist and then lick it off. You probably won't care for the taste at first but it will "grow on you". 

Swished it around in your mouth allowing saliva to build up and then slowly let it drain down your throat. 

Tea Tree Oil is very useful for a variety of everyday problems and I would not want to be without it. 

More on Tea Tree Essential Oil and how to use it.

Thyme Essential Oil

Thyme Essential Oil is another oil that has antibacterial properties and is extremely effective as a sore throat remedy.

Disperse the oil into the room using an aromatherapy essential oil diffuser.

Add 4-5 drops of thyme oil to a pot of hot water and put a towel over your head for a steam inhalation treatment.

Mix thyme with a carrier oil and rub on your chest at night.

Thyme can be massaged externally or combined with other oils in a gelatin capsule to take internally. (see further down this page for instructions)

More on Thyme Essential Oil and how to use it.

Combine Oils for Internal Use

Here is a recipe for combining several oils in a gelatin capsule to be taken orally 2 times daily:

Here is another recipe you can try. (2 drops of each in a gelatin capsule):

Note: For best results and for your safety, I recommend you only use Clinical Grade oils if you are going to take them internally.

Oils for Sore Throat Remedy

Here is a list of some essential oils that can have a great effect on a sore throat:

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Where Can I Get These Oils?

I don't sell oils but here are my
recommended sources.

The companies I use and recommend guarantee the quality of their oils and I believe you will be satisfied with all your purchases, I am.

If you have any questions/concerns feel free to contact me.

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