Oregano Essential Oil

Origanum Vulgare

Oregano Essential Oil is a very versatile oil and can be effective in treating almost every system of your body however it is very powerful and must be used with caution.

Oregano is called "Natures Antibiotic" and has often been compared with penicillin as both posses' equivalent strength against harmful bacteria.

The difference is that penicillin can be standardized, synthesized and patented while oregano, being a natural substance, is largely ignored by the pharmaceutical industry of the West.

What is Oregano Essential Oil?

Let's start with some basic information; a brief description of where the oil comes from, what it contains and how it is obtained. The following information is provided by Bill Fifield in his book "Integrated Guide to Essential Oils & Aromatherapy".

This is a book that I highly recommend by the way.

About Oregano Essential Oil

Family:  Lamiaceae (Labiatae)
Origins:  Mediterranean area, especially Morocco
Other Names:  oreganum (oil)
Description:  A perennial herb, growing to about 32 inches tall dark green leaves and pink flowers. 
Extraction:  Essential oil by steam distillation
Botanical Part Used:  dried flowering herb

Principal Constituents:  phenols (60-70%), monoterpenes, sesquiterpines, alcohols, monoterpenols, and others.

Integrated Guide to Essential Oils & Aromatherapy
by Bill Fifield  (forward by Dr. Daniel Penoel)

Why Use Oregano Essential Oil?

Antibacterial activities of Origanum vulgare alone and in combination with different antimicrobials against clinical isolates of Salmonella typhi.

PubMed Link

Oregano can be used to address health issues in virtually every system of your body but it is very potent and should be used with caution.

Oregano is antimicrobial, antibacterial, antiviral as well as fungicidal so it makes a fantastic addition to your medical tool kit. 

In most cases you will want to dilute oregano oil but for some skin conditions (acne, boils, infections, etc.), you can apply it undiluted to tiny areas of concern ... but always have a carrier oil available in case it gets too hot.

To give you an idea of just how versatile oregano essential oil is, here is a list of some of the areas where it can help medicinally:

  • aches & pains
  • colds
  • diarrhea
  • digestive upset
  • fever
  • flu
  • headaches
  • inflammation
  • itchy skin
  • jaundice 
  • respiratory issues
  • rheumatism
  • stings & bites
  • vomiting

Outside of the medicinal arena, it has been used as fragrance in colognes, perfumes and soaps and of course you will be familiar with it's usage as flavoring in such things as meats and pizza.

Methods of Application


  • Possible skin sensitivity
  • Consult your physician before using if pregnant, nursing, taking medications or have a medical condition
  • Avoid your eyes, mucous membranes and sensitive skin
  • Keep out of the reach of children
  • May interact with diabetic medication and cause low blood sugar levels
  • Aromatically - Can be inhaled or diffused into the air
  • Topical - Can be applied to the skin (may require dilution with a carrier oil)
  • Internal - Can be taken internally in foods or beverages
  • Dilute - Requires dilution with a carrier oil such as fractionated coconut oil

Suggested Uses

For a strong, safe antimicrobial action for all areas of your body massage a 50:50 blend of Oregano and carrier oil on the bottoms of your feet.

Use a hair dryer to assist with absorption.

"Oregano, nicknamed "nature's antibiotic" is a non-toxic antimicrobial effective against bacteria, viruses, and fungi" CBN News - Oils from the Bible

In place of taking antibiotics - Put 2 drops on a spoon and add the same amount of coconut oil or olive oil. Put the mixture under your tongue and keep it there for a couple of minutes then rinse with water.

Do this 3 - 6 times a day but not for more than 7 - 10 days at a time unless the problem is severe in which case you should probably be seeing a doctor instead of taking my advice.

I did this for an infection and was very pleased with how quickly I recovered. I took 2 drops every 4 hours and noticed a steady improvement after each treatment.

If you prefer you can take the above in a gelatin cap available from Amazon.


Oregano Essential Oil is very potent against allergies, asthma, coughing and sneezing.

  • Take 2 drops with 2-3 drops of a carrier oil under the tongue and allow it to remain for a couple minutes before swallowing.
  • Alternatively, the above mixture can be added to a gel cap and swallowed with water or at meal time. 

Other Oils for Allergies   Main Page Allergy Remedy


Because of its powerful anti-fungal properties, which are deadly to many fungal infections, Oregano Essential Oil is known to be the most effective of all essential oils tested against candida.

As a bonus, oregano essential oil can be used to treat athlete’s foot, nail infections, as well as skin infections.

Oregano is also known as a "hot" oil so precautions need to be taken when applying it topically. Mix with a thick carrier oil such as Shea butter or olive oil.

Add 2 drops with a carrier oil in a Gel Capsule and consume daily for 10 days. 

Other Oils for Candida   Main Page - Candida Cleanse

Cold and Flu

Start (as soon as you feel symptoms) by licking a drop of tea tree oil (malaleuca) and swishing it around your mouth allowing it to gradually slide down your throat. (do this several times for the first hour)

Then take a capsule filled with 2 drops each of oregano, clove, cinnamon and lemon, 2 - 3 times a day.

Other Oils for Cold & Flu   Main Page - Cold & Flu


For whooping cough combine oregano essential oil with a carrier oil at 50:50 then rub the solution over your chest.

Other Oils for Cough

Digestive System

A small amount of oregano essential oil can be added to a 50:50 blend of milder oils (see bottom of page) and a carrier oil to help settle indigestion and reduce gas.

Take the combination in a capsule 3 times daily with food. Possible oils could be ginger, peppermint and fennel.

Oregano oil has anti-spasmodic, anti-convulsant, pain-killing, anti-inflammatory, and antiseptic properties which help relieve inflammation in the gut including Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Leaky Gut Syndrome.

Other Oils for Digestion   Main Page - Digestion Problems

Emotional Balance

Oregano essential oil can be added to a tissue and inhaled throughout the day to settle your nerves and alleviate depression.

Other Oils for Emotional Balance

Immune System

Oregano essential oil can be used topically as well as internally.

Rub a couple drops of diluted oregano onto the soles of your feet or add it to a gelatin capsule and take with food to boost your immune system.

Oregano is among the most effective essential oils in tests against 65 bacteria with varying resistance to antibiotics"  Mayaud L, et al., 2008

Other Oils for Immune System


Oregano Essential Oil has antiseptic properties and can be used to treat conditions such as athlete’s foot, nail infections as well as skin infections.

Because of its powerful anti-fungal properties, which are deadly to many fungal infections, Oregano Essential Oil is known to be the most effective of all essential oils tested against candida.

Oregano is also known as a "hot" oil so precautions need to be taken when applying it topically. Mix with a thick carrier oil such as Shea butter or olive oil.

Add 2 drops with a carrier oil in a Gel Capsule and consume daily for 10 days. 

Other Oils for Infection


To protect against inflammation oregano essential oil can be used the same way as you do for your Immune System. (see above)

Other Oils for Inflammation   Main Page Chronic Inflammation

Irritable Bowel

Oregano Essential Oil has anti-spasmodic, anti-convulsant, pain-killing, anti-inflammatory, and antiseptic properties which help relieve inflammation in the gut including Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Leaky Gut Syndrome.

Add a couple drops to a cup of hot water or your favorite herbal tea. You can also take them with carrier oil in a Gelatin Capsule, 3 times a day with food.

Other Single Oils for Irritable Bowel   Main Page for Irritable Bowel Syndrome


Canker sores and cold sores can be treated with 1-2 drops of diluted oregano oil.

Other Oils for Mouth


Add a drop of Oregano Essential Oil to 2 drops of fractionated coconut oil and place it under your tongue. Keep it there for a couple minutes before allowing it to slowly go down your throat.

Place a towel over your head and inhale a couple drops in a bowl of steaming water. This will serve to clear the mucous from your vocal cords.

Add a few drops to a cup of Epsom Salts in the bath and take a relaxing aromatic soak.

Other Oils for Laryngitis  Main Page Laryngitis Treatment


Oregano Essential Oil has vermifugal properties which enables it to eliminate parasites. (including intestinal worms)

Take 2 drops with a carrier oil internally in a gelatin capsule.

Try this oil by itself and if it doesn't work as well as you want, I suggest you combine 1 drop of each of the following oils with an equal amount of carrier oil in a gelatin capsule and consume once a day till you are satisfied (no more than 10 days):

I have heard that this treatment works very well for all kinds of internal parasites.

After trying this remedy I would appreciate if you would contact me to let me know how well it worked for you. Thanks.

Other Oils for Parasites

Reproductive System

Because of its powerful anti-fungal properties, which are deadly to many fungal infections, Oregano Essential Oil is known to be the most effective of all essential oils tested against candida.

As a bonus, oregano essential oil can be used to treat athlete’s foot, nail infections, as well as skin infections.

Oregano is also known as a "hot" oil so precautions need to be taken when applying it topically. Mix with a thick carrier oil such as Shea butter or olive oil.

Add 2 drops with a carrier oil in a Gel Capsule and consume daily for 10 days. 

Other Oils for the Reproductive System

Respiratory System

For relief of spasms in your respiratory system, try massaging the affected area with a 25:75 blend of oregano and a carrier oil.

Other Oils For Your Respiratory System   Main Page - Respiratory Problems

Skin Treatment

For skin infections, blend oregano essential oil with a carrier oil at a ratio of 25:75. Add a tablespoon of hot water to the blend and soak a small gauze pad. Apply the gauze to the infection.

The above blend (without the water) can also be taken 3 times a day in a capsule with food.

Massage calluses and warts with 30% oregano mixed with 70% carrier oil to ease and reduce them.

For dry scalp and dandruff add a single drop of oregano to a cupful of shampoo and massage it into your scalp.

Other Oils for Your Skin   Main Page - Skin Treatment

Sore Throat

For strep throat gargle with 2-3 drops of oregano essential oil in water and then swallow.

Other Oils for Sore Throat    Main Page - Sore Throat Remedy

Toenail Fungus

Oregano has very powerful anti-fungal properties which make it superior to prescription antibiotics. It is very effective at killing fungus as well as mold and other causes of candida.

Oregano contains a high amount of thymol, which has been proven very effective in treating conditions such as Candida, yeast, athlete’s foot and nail fungus.

Oregano works especially well as a toenail fungus remedy when paired with Tea Tree Essential Oil (discussed below).

Apply 3-4 drops directly on the infected toenail and allow time for it to soak in. Follow up with the same amount of Tea Tree Oil if you wish. A blow-dryer can help the with quicker absorption. Follow this process daily until completely satisfied that the fungus has been eliminated.

If you have sensitive skin you can dilute the oils with a carrier oil like coconut oil.

Other Oils for Toenail   Main Page Toenail Fungus


Oregano Essential Oil can be added as a minor ingredient with other oils plus a carrier oil and massaged onto your feet and problem areas to release toxins through your urine and perspiration.

Add a drop to a cup of Epsom salts together with 15 drops of one of the oils listed below. Pour the mixture into a relaxing hot bath.

Other Oils for Toxins

Combine With Other Oils

Blends well with:

Have You Tried Oregano Essential Oil?

Has it helped you? Tell us how!

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Where Can I Get These Oils?

I don't sell oils but here are my
recommended sources.

The companies I use and recommend guarantee the quality of their oils and I believe you will be satisfied with all your purchases, I am.

If you have any questions/concerns feel free to contact me.

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