Remedy for Headache

The most common remedy for headache that most people think of is a painkiller. These and other "conventional" remedies are readily available in the non-prescription aisles of your drug store. In most cases they work, but they can also come with some very undesirable side effects.

Thankfully, there are a number of essential oil remedies that are as effective, or even more effective than these chemical alternatives and generally speaking, they are much safer to use.

note: If you are suffering from a migraine you should look at my page Migraine Remedy.  (in addition to this page)

What Causes Your Condition?

Although there are many essential oils that are known to help with migraines and headaches, there are also countless root causes which need to be addressed appropriately. 

Headaches can be caused by:

  • emotional
  • eye strain
  • nutrition
  • posture 

If you are able to identify the root cause you will have come a long way to choosing the essential oil appropriate for your situation. 

For example, if your headache is stress induced you would look for an oil like Lavender which is known for its ability to calm and relax your mind.

8 Remedy for Headache Oils 

note: What follows are brief introductions to oils that are
useful for the subject condition, ailment or concern.

For more information or methods of application,
click the "More on ..." link that follows each description.

Cajeput Essential Oil

Cajeput Essential Oil has analgesic properties which makes it an effective remedy for headache.

Cajeput can be used both internally and externally and is a safer alternative to pharmaceutical products which can create problems for your liver.

More on Cajeput Essential Oil and how to use it.

Citronella Essential Oil

Citronella Essential Oil reduces stress and promotes relaxation.

Diffuse 20 drops to ease headaches and migraine pain.

More on Citronella Essential Oil and how to use it.

Frankincense Essential Oil

Frankincense Essential Oil contains powerful anti-inflammatories called monoterpene hydrocarbons which are able to reduce swelling in blood vessels thereby reducing pain.

The Egyptians used it on their necks, temples and foreheads as a natural remedy for headache.

More on Frankincense Essential Oil and how to use it.

Lavender Essential Oil

Inhaling lavender oil may be an effective and safe treatment for migraine headaches.

Because of its linalyl acetate and linalool content, Lavender Essential Oil can help relieve tension and stress.

In fact it is known for its anti-anxiety, sedative, and anti-inflammatory properties making it an excellent remedy for headache ingredient.

Massage 2-3 drops on your temples, over your sinuses and on your forehead.

Put a few drops of Lavender in boiling water and inhale the vapors.

More on Lavender Essential Oil and how to use it.

Peppermint Essential Oil

Peppermint Essential Oil is my favorite remedy for headache. I used to take aspirin and try to go to sleep for an hour or so but now I just apply a drop of Peppermint across my forehead and at the back of my neck. 

Use it wherever you feel your headache comes from. 

More on Peppermint Essential Oil and how to use it.

Roman Chamomile Essential Oil

Roman Chamomile Essential Oil is both analgesic and anti-inflammatory and has the ability to relax you and calm your nerves so it is very effective as a remedy for stress headaches.

It can be inhaled using a diffuser or added to some Epsom Salts in a relaxing bath.

More on Roman Chamomile Essential Oil and how to use it.

Rosemary Essential Oil

Rosemary Essential Oil has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties which makes it a great choice as a remedy for headache.

Like Roman Chamomile, it also lowers stress levels.

It can be diluted with a carrier oil like fractionated coconut and applied topically, diffused into the room or used with Epsom Salts in a relaxing bath.

More on Rosemary Essential Oil and how to use it.

Sweet Basil Essential Oil

To treat or prevent a migraine add 10 drops to a half cup of cold water and soak a wash cloth. Wring it out and apply it to your forehead or the back of your neck.

If you want to use it as a compress you can place a dry towel over it and keep it cold with an ice pack.

More on Sweet Basil and how to use it.

Single Oil Remedy for Headache

Blends that can Help

Look for blends that have titles similar to the following:

Contact me if you have any questions.

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Where Can I Get These Oils?

I don't sell oils but here are my
recommended sources.

The companies I use and recommend guarantee the quality of their oils and I believe you will be satisfied with all your purchases, I am.

If you have any questions/concerns feel free to contact me.

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