Sleep Apnea Relief

Many Essential Oils can be utilized in effective Sleep Apnea Relief. These oils have the ability to control symptoms and help stop the brief interruptions in breathing you may experience while you are asleep.

When you are able to sleep uninterrupted you are not faced with chronic fatigue and other physical and mental ailments that are common in sleep apnea sufferers.

Try some of the oils discussed on this page and see for yourself the very real assistance they can provide. You may find wearing that uncomfortable and very expensive CPAP mask is not necessary. 

What is Sleep Apnea?

There are 2 main types of sleep apnea:

  1. Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA): The tissue at the back of your throat relaxes and obstructs air from passing through. This could be in the form of a passage narrowing or a complete blockage.
  2. Central Sleep Apnea (CSA): For some reason your brain stops sending breathing instructions to the muscles in your throat.

The influence of odorants on respiratory patterns in sleep.

There are several oils which can help in both these situations. Let's discuss a few of them as well as the methods for their usage.

Before we go any further however, I need to advise you that sleep apnea is quite serious and can have serious to fatal consequences if it is ignored.

I believe oils can help but I do recommend that you see your medical professional in order to determine the severity and possible treatment of the problem. (see my disclaimer here)

While you discuss your unique situation you can make your desires to use essential oils in your treatment known.

5 Things You Can Do Now

  1. Maintain a healthy weight
  2. Use a humidifier
  3. Don't sleep on your back (Children are the exception)
  4. Avoid alcohol and smoking
  5. Take Yoga to improve your oxygen intake 

Single Oils For Sleep Apnea Relief

note: What follows are brief introductions to oils that are
useful for the subject condition, ailment or concern.

For more information or methods of application,
click the "More on ..." link that follows each description.

Eucalyptus Essential Oil

Eucalyptus Essential Oil has very strong anti-inflammatory properties.

Diffusing Eucalyptus while you are sleeping at night will help to open your airways and support your respiratory system.

You can also try inhaling the oil off your hands or use an inhaler when you are traveling.

More on Eucalyptus Radiata

Geranium Essential Oil

Geranium Essential Oil has a sweet floral smell which calms and relaxes your body and mind.

Diffusing the oil at night can help with your breathing, blood pressure, heart rate, immune system and stress levels all of which assists with sleep apnea relief.

Apply the oil mixed with fractionated coconut to your throat, chest and the soles of your feet at bed time or first thing in the morning.

More on Geranium Essential Oil

Lavender Essential Oil

Lavender Essential Oil can relieve congestion by dislodging phlegm from the airways allowing you to breathe easier while sleeping. It also has antibacterial properties which can treat infections in your respiratory tract.

Lavender can be used in a diffuser, steamed in hot water, massaged on the feet or mixed with Epsom Salts in your bath.

More on Lavender Essential Oil

Lemon Essential Oil

Use the antispasmodic properties of Lemon Essential Oil to moisturize your throat and treat infections.

It can also be used on your throat and chest to help clear airways, reduce snoring and help with sleep apnea relief.

More on Lemon Essential Oil

Marjoram Essential Oil

Marjoram Essential Oil, called "the happiness herb", is a calming oil which targets your cardiovascular system to relieve nervous tension and stress related conditions. For this reason, it is very effective for sleep apnea relief.

If the oil is clinical grade you can take it internally by adding it to recipes that include the dried herb. 1 drop equals approximately 2 tsp of herbs.  

You can also mix it with fractionated coconut and apply it to the back of your neck and the bottoms of your feet or diffuse it at bedtime.

More on Marjoram Essential Oil

Peppermint Essential Oil

One of the causes of sleep apnea is nasal congestion.

The anti-inflammatory properties of Peppermint Essential Oil makes it a proven sleep apnea relief option. Peppermint is able to reduce or completely eliminate inflammation and irritation in your nasal passages and airways.


  • put it on your palms or on a tissue and inhale
  • gargle with a couple drops in water
  • dab some peppermint under your nose at bedtime
  • Put some oil in a pan of hot water and inhale the fumes. 

More on Peppermint Oil

Roman Chamomile Essential Oil

A common symptom as well as cause of sleep apnea is exhaustion and fatigue.

Roman Chamomile can calm and relax, which helps with sleep apnea relief.

It also calms tantrums and anger so restless children can get a good night’s sleep. 

More on Chamomile Essential Oil

Thyme Essential Oil

Thyme Essential Oil for sleep apnea relief can ease symptoms when used in a diffuser at bed time or massaged on your neck, back, chest and feet.

It can also be used in the bath with a some Epsom Salts before bed time. 

More on Thyme Essential Oil

Recommended Oils for Sleep Apnea Relief:

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    Snoring Remedy

    Essential oils as a snoring remedy are great for naturally reducing/stopping snoring. Diffuse them in the bedroom; apply them to your feet; do a steam inhalation treatment; add some to a hot bath; massage them on your skin; or gargle a couple drops in a glass of water

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Where Can I Get These Oils?

I don't sell oils but here are my
recommended sources.

The companies I use and recommend guarantee the quality of their oils and I believe you will be satisfied with all your purchases, I am.

If you have any questions/concerns feel free to contact me.

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