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Ingesting Essential Oils

Drinking essential oils directly from the bottle

Safely Ingesting Essential Oils. Are you skeptical about ingesting essential oils? Many people have been told essential oils should never be ingested

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Digestion Problems - Essential Oils


Digestion problems like constipation, diarrhea, indigestion, nausea & stomach aches can be eased using essential oils. Even some diseases such as Irritable bowel, hepatitis, pancreatitis, diverticulos

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Myrtle Essential Oil


Myrtle Essential Oil is gentle enough for children & the elderly. It can treat an enlarged prostate (BPH); stimulate the thyroid (hypothyroid); treat urinary tract/prostate infections, help insomnia. Its anti-inflammatory properties help ease a sore throat and calm a cough

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Toenail Fungus Remedy

Nail Fungus

The usage of Essential oils in a toenail fungus remedy is very effective due to their complex nature, powerful anti-fungal properties and ability to work together in synergy with other oils. Let’s discuss oils as a very effective short-term relief as well as a long-term cure

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Skin Treatment Using Essential Oils

Skin Care

Essential oils can provide skin treatment for all sorts of conditions from acne to wrinkles no matter if they are simple surface irritation, symptoms of diseases/health conditions or just aging

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Oregano Essential Oil


Oregano Essential Oil is very potent against allergies, asthma, skin infections, strep throat, coughing & sneezing. It is anti-spasmodic, anti-convulsant, pain-killing, anti-inflammatory, & antiseptic which helps relieve inflammation including Irritable Bowel and Leaky Gut.

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Essential Oil Quality

Mortar & Pestle

How can you know your essential oil quality level is high or low? What government regulations will assure you that quality standards are being enforced? Therapeutic Grade vs Clinical Grade vs Avoid Gr

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Tea Tree Oil

Tea Tree Oil

Tea Tree Oil / melaleuca oil has been used in holistic medicine to stimulate the immune system & for infections, cuts, scrapes, burns, itches, cankers, cold sores, insect bites, warts; reduces swelling in legs/arms; relieves asthma, bronchitis, sinusitis, cough, tuberculosis

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Lemon Essential Oil


Lemon Essential Oil is antimicrobial & antiseptic. Lemon has been used for infectious diseases like malaria & typhoid fevers; scurvy & assist with arthritis, rheumatism, dysentery & liver congestion; Can ease asthma, bronchitis, throat infections, excess mucous, nausea & vom

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Respiratory Problems and Essential oils


Essential Oils offer natural remedies for many kinds of respiratory problems from cold and flu to asthma and allergies. They open airways, relieve chest congestion, ease a sore throat and provide reli

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Asthma Remedy - Essential Oils


An essential oil asthma remedy is best used between attacks, not while having one. Many essential oils are well known for their assistance in avoiding an asthma attack. Essential oils work on three areas of concern for asthmatics - spasms, bronchial passages & infections

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Stress Management


Essential oils are best known for their role in stress management. When inhaled, these volatile oils stimulate your olfactory nerves causing changes within the emotional center of your brain.

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Allergy Remedy - 7 Essential Oils


No matter what the allergy, essential oils should be your "go-to" as an allergy remedy because they are completely natural and very effective. For a food allergy, seasonal allergy, or skin rash/hives, an oil or blend can eliminate the condition or help cope with the symptoms

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Helichrysum Essential Oil for Bruising

Helichrysum Essential Oil has anti-hematoma properties and is famous for its ability to eliminate bruising and assist with the healing of damaged tissue.

Dilute with a carrier oil and apply directly to unbroken skin immediately after an injury.

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Cold and Flu Support


Cold and Flu, although different conditions, have very similar symptoms that can be relieved effectively through the use of essential oils. Oils can be utilized by diffusion, inhalation, chest rubs, bathing, etc. to soothe symptoms as well as boost your immune system

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Where Can I Get These Oils?

I don't sell oils but here are my
recommended sources.

The companies I use and recommend guarantee the quality of their oils and I believe you will be satisfied with all your purchases, I am.

If you have any questions/concerns feel free to contact me.

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Essential Oil Diffusers


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