Spearmint Essential Oil

Mentha Spicata

Spearmint Essential Oil has a scent similar to Peppermint Oil but its milder effects have earned it the nickname “The Gentler Mint Oil”.

If you don't have any Peppermint Oil you can substitute Spearmint because it has many of the same attributes. Unlike Peppermint however, it has much less menthol content and this milder nature makes Spearmint a natural choice when treating children or the elderly.

What is Spearmint Essential Oil?

Let's start with some basic information; a brief description of where the oil comes from, what it contains and how it is obtained. 

About Spearmint Essential Oil

Family:  Lamiaceae
Origins:  Mediterranean region
Other Names:  garden spearmint, green mint, fish mint, Our lady’s mint
Description:  The name 'spear' mint derives from the pointed leaf tips. Spearmint produces flowers in slender spikes, each flower pink or white in color.
Extraction:  Steam Distillation
Botanical Part Used: Leaves
Principal Constituents: Carvone (58%),  Limonene, Bourbonene, Menthone, Cineole, Myrcene 

Methods of Application


  • Possible skin sensitivity
  • Consult your physician before using if pregnant, nursing, taking medications or have a medical condition
  • Avoid your eyes, mucous membranes and sensitive skin
  • Do not use on infants and young children
  • Keep out of the reach of children
  • Aromatically - Can be inhaled or diffused into the air
  • Topical - Can be applied to the skin (may require dilution with a carrier oil)
  • Internal - Can be taken internally in foods or beverages
  • Neat

Suggested Uses


Spearmint Essential Oil has decongestant properties which can help treat asthma and respiratory congestion.

Other Oils for Asthma   Main Page - Asthma Remedy


Two of the principal constituents of Spearmint Essential Oil are carvone and limonene. These natural constituents are very uplifting and have the ability to elevate your mood and reduce depression.

When your mood is uplifted, you will also find that your power to focus your mind is also improved. 

In order to receive these benefits, try diffusing a few drops of Spearmint Oil and enjoy the pleasant minty aroma they provide.

Other Oils for Depression   Main Page - Depression Remedy

Digestive System

Much like Peppermint, Spearmint Essential Oil promotes digestion and has the ability to calm an upset stomach and naturally reduce gas. This effect is probably the best known result of consuming Spearmint Oil.

Drink a drop of oil in your favorite hot beverage or add it to a glass of drinking water.

If you don't like the taste, you can put a drop in a gelatin capsule and take it with some food.

Other Oils for Digestion   Main Page - Digestion Problems

Nausea and Vomiting

Spearmint Essential Oil contains menthol which can help stop nausea and vomiting and, together with its invigorating scent, help you breathe easier at such times.

Application methods include putting the oil directly on pressure points on your feet, inhalation or massage.

When applying Spearmint to your feet a drop or two can be used undiluted.

It is advisable to mix 50:50 with jojoba or fractionated coconut when massaging your stomach/intestinal area.  

You can also enjoy its fresh uplifting scent by diffusing the oil. 

Other Oils for Nausea and Vomiting

Combine With Other Oils

Blends well with:

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Where Can I Get These Oils?

I don't sell oils but here are my
recommended sources.

The companies I use and recommend guarantee the quality of their oils and I believe you will be satisfied with all your purchases, I am.

If you have any questions/concerns feel free to contact me.

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