True Lavender Essential Oil

True Lavender Essential Oil

Lavandula Angustifolia

Lavender essential oil originated in the Mediterranean region but is now cultivated worldwide.

It is a very aromatic plant and a favorite when used as a fragrance in soaps, lotions, cosmetics and perfumes.

Lavender is more than just a wonderful smelling oil however. This very versatile oil has been used extensively in pharmaceutical antiseptic ointments and skin care products as well as for various conditions and maladies. 

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What is Lavender Essential Oil?

Let's start with some basic information; a brief description of where the oil comes from, what it contains and how it is obtained. The following information is provided by Bill Fifield in his book "Integrated Guide to Essential Oils & Aromatherapy".

This is a book that I highly recommend by the way.

About True Lavender Essential Oil

Family: Lamiaceae (Labiatae)
Origins: Mediterranean region. Now cultivated worldwide. Oil is mainly produced in France, Spain, Italy, England, Australia, Yugoslavia, Turkey, Russia, Bulgaria, and Greece.
Other names: garden lavender, common lavender. Lavandula angustifolia and Lavandula officinalis are the same. The word officinalis only refers to the fact that it is used for pharmaceutical purposes. It merely means "true lavender."
Description: A woody evergreen shrub about 3 feet tall with pale green, slender leaves and violet-blue flower on slender spikes. The whole plant is aromatic.
Extraction: Essential oil by steam distillation
Botanical Part Used: Fresh flowering tops

Principal constituents: Linalyl acetate (up to 40%), linalool, lavandulyl acetate, terpineol, limonene, ocimene and others. There are over 100 constituents.

Integrated Guide to Essential Oils & Aromatherapy
by Bill Fifield  (forward by Dr. Daniel Penoel)

Benefits of Lavender Essential Oil

"Lavender, the most consumed essential oil in the world today aids in sleep and has even been shown to reduce PTSD." CBN News - Oils from the Bible

Lavender oil has been used for thousands of years as a folk remedy for digestive conditions, heart palpitations, spasms and colic. It helps in pain management, relaxation, improved balance, energy and overall well-being. Taken internally it can help with cramps and nausea.

It has been used in beauty and skin care. It can soothe skin irritations, cuts, bruises and minor burns. It has been used as an insect repellent and to reduce inflammation of bites.

Recently you may have even found it used to flavor dishes in kitchens and restaurants.

Methods of Application


  • Possible skin sensitivity
  • Consult your physician before using if pregnant, nursing, taking medications or have a medical condition
  • Avoid your eyes, mucous membranes and sensitive skin
  • Keep out of the reach of children
  • Aromatically - Can be inhaled or diffused into the air
  • Topical - Can be applied to the skin (may require dilution with a carrier oil)
  • Internal - Can be taken internally in foods or beverages
  • Neat - Can be taken at full strength

Suggested Uses


Lavender Essential Oil can help fight acne in a couple of ways:

  1. First it has antimicrobial and antioxidant properties which are able to fight acne vulgaris while at the same time soothe and nurture your skin.

    Dilute Lavender Oil with fractionated coconut or jojoba at a 75:25 ratio and apply gently to the outbreak.

  2. Studies show that stress and acne are connected and we know that Lavender Oil is very relaxing. It can even improve the quality of your sleep. (see "Emotional Balance" and "Insomnia" categories below)

    To ease feelings of stress that may trigger outbreaks of acne, diffuse 5 drops of oil and apply topically to the bottoms of your feet, your wrists, back of your neck and your temples.

note: some people have reported that topical application to their acne only aggravates it. To be safe you may want to try a "patch" test first.

Other Oils for Acne   Main Page - Acne Skin Care 

Acid Reflux

Lavender Essential Oil increases the movement of food within your intestine and also stimulates the production of gastric juices and bile which helps with indigestion.

Put 1-2 drops of True Lavender in your favorite beverage.

Other Oils for Acid Reflux   Main Page - Acid Reflux Remedy


Lavender Essential Oil has been used effectively in the treatment of children suffering from ADHD. In 2001, Dr. Terry Friedman completed a study of 40 children, half of them suffering from ADHD.  

Three oils and a blend were inhaled, one at a time, over a 30 day period. Lavender was one of the oils and was found to increase performance by 53%.

The other oils tested were Cedarwood and Vetiver with resulting improvements of 83% and 100% respectively.

The ADHD and ADD symptoms which these oils affected were:

The relaxing/calming properties of the oils helped the children combat the following difficulties of their ADHD and ADD symptoms:

  • concentration
  • distraction
  • fidgety behavior
  • focus
  • following directions
  • impatience
  • organization

Other Oils for ADHD


Lavender Essential Oil has antihistamine and anti-inflammatory properties which work together at relieving allergic reactions such as skin rashes, eczema, nasal congestion and headache.

Application includes:

  • Topically - Apply one drop to small areas of concern or dilute with a carrier oil for larger areas. Indirect application is also effective when you massage a drop on the bottoms of both feet. This method has the added benefit of providing you with a good nights sleep.
  • Aromatically - Diffuse 15 drops to relieve symptoms and cleanse the air. Put a drop on your palms or a tissue and inhale deeply. 

Other Oils for Allergies   Main Page Allergy Remedy


Because of its anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, Lavender Essential Oil is well known for its ability to treat both osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis when applied topically.

Lavender oil has the effect of increasing blood circulation.

A couple drops of oil applied directly to the area can provide instant relief but sometimes you may experience some skin irritation. In that case you should dilute with a little carrier oil prior to application.

Other Oils for Arthritis   Main Page - Arthritis Relief


Lavender Essential Oil, like Helichrysum, has been known to reduce bruising if applied quickly after an injury. It is also effective at reducing pain.

Dilute with a carrier oil and apply directly on unbroken skin. Reapply as needed.

Other Oils for Bruising

Burn Treatment

Lavender Essential Oil is incredible for treatment of minor burns. I keep a bottle near the stove in our kitchen so it can be applied immediately when I accidentally touch a hot pan. 

The pain almost instantly disappears and does not return. The sooner you apply it the better the affect. 

I find it to be even more effective than aloe vera. 

True Lavender can be used to cool your skin from a sunburn and help regenerate the tissue so you heal quicker.

Other Oils for Burn Treatment   Main Page Burn Treatment


Antifungal activity of Lavandula angustifolia essential oil against Candida albicans yeast

Lavender oil shows both fungistatic and fungicidal activity against C. albicans strains. At lower concentrations, it inhibits germ tube formation and hyphal elongation, indicating that it is effective against C. albicans dimorphism and may thus reduce fungal progression and the spread of infection in host tissues. PubMed

True Lavender Essential Oil has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antiviral properties and works well as a candida cleanse.

Lavender Essential Oil has demonstrated that it is lethal to many fungal strains including candida and dermatophytes. Lavender Oil damages the cell membrane which destroys the fungal cells.

Lavender can be applied topically when diluted with a carrier oil like coconut or jojoba oil or taken internally (2 drops) with a glass of water. 

Alternately you can consume it daily in a Gel Capsule with a carrier oil for 10 days. 

See "Ingesting Essential Oils" for guidance on consuming essential oils safely. 

Other Oils for Candida   Main Page - Candida Cleanse


True Lavender Essential Oil has a sweet, floral, herbal, woody scent which is a favorite when used as a fragrance in soaps, lotions, cosmetics and perfumes.

Lavender is more than just a wonderful smelling oil however. This very versatile oil has been used extensively in pharmaceutical antiseptic ointments and skin care products as well as for various conditions and maladies.  

It has antimicrobial, anti-fungal, antibacterial and antiviral properties which combat bacterial and fungal disorders making it a great natural deodorant.

Other Oils for Deodorant   Main Page - Natural Deodorant


The effects of lavender oil inhalation on emotional states, autonomic nervous system, and brain electrical activity.

Lavender Essential Oil has been used for thousands of years in the bath to calm and relax the mind and body.

Mix 15 – 20 drops in a cup of Epsom Salts and add it to your bath water. Try this at bed time to promote relaxation prior to going to sleep.

Massage a couple drops on the soles of your feet at bed time if you have problems sleeping through the night.

Rub some oil behind your ears and on your wrists whenever you need a quick depression remedy. The relaxing/calming properties of this oil will enter your blood stream and go to work within minutes.

Other Oils for Depression   Main Page - Depression Remedy

Digestive System

Lavender Essential Oil increases the movement of food within your intestine and also stimulates the production of gastric juices and bile which helps with indigestion, colic, stomach pain, flatulence, vomiting, and diarrhea.

For a natural dietary supplement that relieves cramps and nausea, put 1-2 drops of True Lavender in your favorite beverage.

Eliminate intestinal parasites by consuming a 50:50 blend of Lavender and a carrier oil in a gelatin cap 3 times a day. (gelatin caps are available from Amazon.

Lavender has been used successfully in treating irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) - Diffuse lavender essential oil every night at bed time and massage a couple drops mixed with a carrier oil on top of your abdomen during the day.

see also: Peppermint Oil for treating IBS

Other Oils for Digestion   Main Page - Digestion Problems

Emotional Balance

Lavender Essential Oil has been used for thousands of years in the bath to calm and relax the mind and body. Mix 15 – 20 drops in a cup of Epsom Salts and add it to your bath water. Try this at bed time to promote relaxation prior to going to sleep.

"One of the essentials most used in studies of the effects of aromatherapy on AD. Traditionally, lavender is said to be calming and to balance strong emotions. It is also antidepressant and useful in cases of insomnia."

For Shock - Rub 1-2 drops of Lavender oil into palms or put on a tissue and inhale to relieve shock. Caution: If the shock is the result of a medical emergency such as a car crash do not rely on essential oils. Immediate medical attention is required.

Other Oils for Emotional Balance


Spray a mixture of True Lavender Essential Oil, Lemon, Tangerine, Grapefruit and distilled water in the air to cleanse and fight unpleasant odors

Lavender essential oil can be diffused to freshen the air and uplift your mood.

Other Oils for Environment

Hair Care

2016 study - Hair Growth-Promoting Effects of Lavender Oil in C57BL/6 Mice. Results indicate that LO has a marked hair growth-promoting effect, as observed morphologically and histologically.

Not only has Lavender Essential Oil demonstrated hair growth promoting effects but it is also able to increase the depth of hair follicles and thicken the thermal layer.

Lavender oil also has antimicrobial properties so it can combat bacterial and fungal disorders.

Massage Lavender into your scalp to:

Mix 8 - 10 drops with a couple tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil or coconut oil and massage it into your scalp. Cover your head with a towel and leave it on all night for best results. The oil will also help provide a restful sleep and you can wash it out in the morning.

Other Oils for Hair   Main Page Natural Hair Care


For sinus pressure and headaches massage 2-3 drops on your temples, over your sinuses and on your forehead.

Medications for headache have been known to trigger a cycle of headaches called "Rebound Headaches".

To break the cycle, try a blend of PeppermintLavender, and Frankincense essential oils.

Other Oils for Headache/Migraine

Main Page - Remedy for Headache   Main Page - Migraine Remedy


True Lavender can be used to cool your skin from a sunburn and help regenerate the tissue so you heal quicker.

Blend Lavender Essential Oil (4%) with Rosemary (6%) and a carrier oil (90%) and apply to a wound twice daily to speed healing.

Other Oils for Healing   Main Page Healing Oil


Lavender Essential Oil is a favorite for most people and its pain relieving, anti-inflammatory properties make it a go to oil for healing hemorrhoids.

This very versatile oil has been used extensively in pharmaceutical antiseptic ointments and skin care products as well as for various conditions and maladies. 

Lavender Essential Oil has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antiviral properties which work well for this purpose.

Lavender Essential Oil increases the movement of food within your intestine and also stimulates the production of gastric juices and bile which helps with indigestion.

Lavender oil has the effect of increasing blood circulation and is actually able to make swollen veins retract into the rectum.

Add 10 drops of oil to a cup of Epsom Salts and take a nice warm bath. Relax for at least 30 minutes to let it do its work. The combination of hot water and Lavender Oil will ease the inflammation and reduce/eliminate the pain.

Add 3-4 drops of lavender oil to a half teaspoon of carrier oil such as fractionated coconut or aloe and coconut and apply to the affected veins to relieve itching and prevent infection.

Other Oils for Hemorrhoids   Main Page - Healing Hemorrhoids


If you have an eye infection mix True Lavender with a carrier oil 20:80 and apply 2-3 times daily around your eye but not on the eye or eyelid.

Other Oils for Inflammation   Main Page Chronic Inflammation


Lavender Essential Oil has been used for thousands of years in the bath to calm and relax the mind and body.

I used to wake up in the middle of the night to find my wife reading a book but since I learned this trick I don't wake up anymore; problem solved ... Just kidding; I mean my wife sleeps through the night with no problem.

Mix 15 – 20 drops in a cup of Epsom Salts and add it to your bath water. 

Try this at bed time to promote relaxation prior to going to sleep.

Massage a couple drops on the soles of your feet at bed time if you have problems sleeping through the night.

Other Oils for Insomnia   Main Page Insomnia Remedy

Nausea and Vomiting

Lavender Essential Oil increases the movement of food within your intestine and also stimulates the production of gastric juices and bile which helps with indigestion, stomach pain, nausea and vomiting.

For a natural dietary supplement that relieves nausea and vomiting, put 1-2 drops of True Lavender in your favorite beverage.

Create a 50:50 blend with a carrier oil like coconut oil and:

  • massage the blend on your lower abdomen
  • consume in a gelatin capsule once a day with food

Other Oils for Nausea and Vomiting

Pain Management

For pain control at bedtime mix True Lavender essential oil with a carrier oil and massage the area just before going to sleep. This slows the activity of your nervous system which helps you relax and go to sleep.

True Lavender can be used to cool your skin from a sunburn and help regenerate the tissue so you heal quicker. (see also the section on "Burn Treatment" above)

Massage Lavender oil into overused muscles to ease muscle tension.

For an earache apply directly to the outer ear. (Caution: Never put an essential oil directly in your ear)

Reproductive System

Inhaling Lavender Oil for 10-15 minutes before your gynecological exam can reduce both the pain and anxiety caused by the procedure. 

Put some Lavender Essential Oil in your mascara and watch your lashes grow.

Other Oils for the Reproductive System

Respiratory System

Lavender Essential Oil is a favorite for respiratory problems such as:

  • tonsillitis
  • whooping cough

Lavender may be useful as an alternative medicine for bronchial asthma.

Lavender is known for its ability to loosen up phlegm and relieve congestion associated with various respiratory conditions.

It also has antibacterial qualities which can be used against respiratory tract infections.

A favorite method used by many people is to disperse the oil into the room using an aromatherapy essential oil diffuser.

For seasonal allergies rub 1-2 drops of True Lavender essential oil under your nose or apply it to your neck, chest, and back.

Other Oils For Your Respiratory System   Main Page - Respiratory Problems


Lavender Essential Oil is well known for its ability to treat skin ailments, including wounds, eczema and acne. It can even help fade scars.

Apply a few drops directly on the scarred area and rub gently. If applied early enough Lavender may even stop scarring from occurring. 

See "Skin Treatment" below for application instructions.

Other Oils for Scarring


Lavender Essential Oil is a calming oil which can help with sleep quality, anxiety and stress. These are important factors when you are Epileptic. 

  • add a few drops of Lavender to some Epsom Salts in a relaxing bath, 
  • diffuse it twice a day, or 
  • massage a 50:50 blend of lavender and carrier oil such as fractionated coconut on the back of your neck, your sinuses, chest, shoulders, abdomen and feet.
  • Take the same 50:50 blend in a gelatin cap once a day with a meal.  

Notice the warning below about the use of Spike Lavender if you are Epileptic.

Oils NOT recommended for use in Epilepsy:

  • Camphor
  • Eucalyptus
  • Fennel
  • Hyssop
  • Rosemary
  • Sage
  • Spike Lavender *

Other Lavenders are okay

Other Oils for Seizure   Main Page - Seizure Treatment


Lavender Essential Oil can assist with treating shingles in different ways.

It has a cooling effect on inflammation; it reduces shingles pain; it relaxes your body and helps you get much needed sleep.

Diffusing the oil and/or applying it on the bottoms of your feet at bed time will help you to fall asleep.

You can apply Lavender using a wet compress using 5 drops of oil and some water on a gauze. For added effect you can place an ice pack on top to keep the compress cold for an extended amount of time.

Put 10-15 drops in a cup of Epsom Salts and take a warm (not hot) bath.

Other Oils for Shingles   Main Page - Shingles Pain

Skin Treatment

Massage Lavender Essential Oil on skin irritations, bug bites, acne, minor cuts, and bruises to ease the itching and hasten recovery.

Moisturize and condition chapped lips or skin by rubbing a trace of oil on them. (can also be combined with German Chamomile)

To treat small areas of skin you can apply Lavender Oil directly onto minor wounds and conditions such as:

  • dandruff
  • dermatitis
  • eczema
  • inflammations
  • insect bites
  • insect repellent
  • lice
  • psoriasis
  • ringworm
  • scabies
  • sores
  • spots
  • sunburn

If the area of concern is large a carrier oil should be added at a 50:50 ratio prior to application.

Other Oils for Your Skin   Main Page - Skin Treatment


Lavender Essential Oil has antihistamine and anti-inflammatory properties which work together at relieving allergic reactions such as nasal congestion.

Application includes:

  • Topically - Apply one drop to small areas of concern or dilute with a carrier oil for larger areas. Indirect application is also effective when you massage a drop on the bottoms of both feet. This method has the added benefit of providing you with a good nights sleep.
  • Aromatically - Diffuse 15 drops to relieve symptoms and cleanse the air. Put a drop on your palms or a tissue and inhale deeply. 

Lavender is known for its ability to loosen up phlegm and relieve congestion associated with various respiratory conditions.

It also has antibacterial qualities which can be used against respiratory tract infections.

For seasonal allergies rub 1-2 drops of True Lavender essential oil under your nose or apply it to your neck, chest, and back.

Other Oils for Snoring   Main Page - Snoring Remedy

Sore Throat

Lavender Essential Oil has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antiviral properties which work well on a sore throat that is due to viral or bacterial infections.

Try adding lavender to some warm water and gargle for one minute before spitting it out.

Other Oils for Sore Throat    Main Page - Sore Throat Remedy

Stress Management

Lavender Oil has been used for thousands of years in the bath to calm and relax the mind and body. Mix 15 – 20 drops in a cup of Epsom Salts and add it to your bath water. Try this at bed time to promote relaxation prior to going to sleep.

Massage a couple drops on the soles of your feet at bed time if you have problems sleeping through the night.

Before I learned this I used to wake up in the middle of the night to find my wife reading a book. Since I learned this trick I don't wake up anymore; Problem solved ...   

... Just kiddingI mean my wife sleeps through the night with no problem. 

Other Oils for Stress   Main Page - Stress Management

Toenail Fungus

True Lavender Essential Oil has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antiviral properties and works well as a toenail fungus remedy.

Lavender Oil is best used at bed time and when used regularly it not only eliminates toenail fungus but also prevents future reinfections.

Put a couple drops directly on the infected nail and allow it to soak in. Continue this process each night for several weeks even though it may appear that the infection is gone. Some people like to put on a clean pair of cotton or wool socks to assist with this treatment.

note: Due to the popularity of Lavender Essential Oils, there are many products on the market that simply use chemicals to imitate the fragrance of the oil. These fraudulent products may be cheaper than the real thing but have absolutely no value or effectiveness in treating any health related issue you may be experiencing. Make sure you are using only clinical grade oils.  

Other Oils for Toenail   Main Page Toenail Fungus


As already discussed above under the "Emotional Balance" and "Stress Management" headings, Lavender is well known for its ability to calm/soothe nerves, relieve anxiety, etc.

These qualities make Lavender Essential Oil ideal for treating symptoms of vertigo.

Lavender works especially well in a diffuser and rubbed on the bottoms of your feet at night.

Other Oils for Vertigo

Combine with Other Oils

Lavender Essential Oil also plays well with others, combining flawlessly with almost all oils including:

Have You Tried Lavender Essential Oil?

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Where Can I Get These Oils?

I don't sell oils but here are my
recommended sources.

The companies I use and recommend guarantee the quality of their oils and I believe you will be satisfied with all your purchases, I am.

If you have any questions/concerns feel free to contact me.

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