Lemon Essential Oil

Citrus Limon

Lemon Essential Oil has been used for centuries for cooking, cleaning, ingestion, topical application, aromatherapy and much more.

Lemon has often been used for infectious diseases such as malaria and typhoid fevers and has been touted as a “cure all.” It has been used to cure scurvy and assists with disorders such as arthritis, rheumatism, dysentery, and liver congestion.

With a high antioxidant content it provides protection from damaging free radicals. It has also been used in weight management to assist with digestion and help boost your metabolism.

The Egyptians used it to detoxify the body and it was even used in their embalming process.

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What is Lemon Essential Oil?

Let's start with some basic information; a brief description of where the oil comes from, what it contains and how it is obtained. The following information is provided by Bill Fifield in his book "Integrated Guide to Essential Oils & Aromatherapy".

This is a book that I highly recommend by the way.

About Lemon Essential Oil

Family: Rutaceae
Origins: Native to Asia. Grows wild in the Mediterranean, especially in Spain and Portugal. Cultivated worldwide, especially in Italy, Sicily, Cyprus, Guinea, Israel, South and North America (California and Florida).
Other names: cedro oil
Description: Small evergreen tree with fragrant flowers and acidic yellow fruit.
Extraction: Cold expression
Botanical Part Used: outer part of the fresh peel of the fruit

Principal constituents: Limonene (about 70%) terpinene, pinenes, sabinene, myrcene, citral, linalool, geraniol, octanol, and others.

Integrated Guide to Essential Oils & Aromatherapy
by Bill Fifield  (forward by Dr. Daniel Penoel)

This aromatic oil comes from a small evergreen tree with an acidic yellow fruit. It is native to Asia, grows wild in the Mediterranean and is cultivated worldwide.

The oil is extracted from the outer layer of the peel and the method used is cold expression.

Consuming Lemon Oil will provide your body with much needed antioxidants, assist with digestion and help boost your metabolism.

Lemon oil also helps support the immune system with its natural Vitamin C, citric acid, magnesium, calcium and bioflavonoids.

It has a clean, fragrant scent that makes it perfect for diffusing.

Methods of Application


  • Possible skin sensitivity
  • Consult your physician before using if pregnant, nursing, taking medications or have a medical condition
  • Avoid your eyes, mucous membranes and sensitive skin
  • Keep out of the reach of children
  • Avoid direct sunlight or UV rays up to 12 hours after applying
  • Aromatically - Can be inhaled or diffused into the air
  • Topical - Can be applied to the skin (may require dilution with a carrier oil)
  • Internal - Can be taken internally in foods or beverages
  • Neat - Can be taken at full strength without dilution
  • Photosensitivity - Avoid direct sunlight or UV rays for at least 12 hours

Suggested Uses

Acid Reflux

You will probably be surprised to learn that lemons, rated at 9.9 pH, are listed as an alkaline food. (Acidic foods are in the range of 1 - 7 pH) 

Drinking some lemon juice in a glass of water is a fast and effective acid reflux remedy but using Lemon Essential Oil in your drinking water is actually better and it is much more convenient when you are away from home.

Other Oils for Acid Reflux   Main Page - Acid Reflux Remedy

Anti Aging

Antioxidants are the most powerful weapon we can use against free radicals and they are found in lemon oil.

Add a couple drops of lemon to a glass of water to help with your digestion, boost your metabolism and provide a rich supply of antioxidants. 

Other Oils for Anti Aging   Main Page Anti Aging


Lemon Essential Oil can help ease the symptoms of arthritis, cellulitis, rheumatism, poor circulation and obesity.

Massage the affected area with a lemon oil and a carrier oil in a 50:50 blend.

Other Oils for Arthritis   Main Page - Arthritis Relief

Blood Pressure

If you suffer from high blood pressure, diffuse 20 drops of lemon twice a day.

Other Oils for Blood Pressure   Main Page - Healthy Blood Pressure

Cold and Flu

For a cold mix 4-8 drops of Essential Lemon Oil with grape seed carrier oil in some gelatin caps and take 4 of them before bed each night for a few days.

Other Oils for Cold & Flu   Main Page - Cold & Flu


Lemon Essential Oil has a sweet and fresh, lemony, floral scent which is calming yet stimulating at the same time.

It has astringent, antiseptic, and anti-fungal properties which make it an effective natural deodorant.

It antiseptic and anti-fungal properties not only serves as a great toenail fungus remedy, but also eliminates other issues that may arise from a fungal infection.

Other Oils for Deodorant   Main Page - Natural Deodorant

Digestive System

For digestive concerns such as nausea or dyspepsia take 20 drops of Lemon Essential Oil and diffuse it or add it to a cup of Epsom salts in a hot bath.

To promote normal digestive health massage 8 drops of Lemon Essential Oil over your stomach or consume in a glass of water. Consuming lemon oil will also support your immune system, boost your metabolism and provide rich antioxidants.

Other Oils for Digestion   Main Page - Digestion Problems


Lemon Essential Oil works great as a depression remedy either alone or in combination with other oils.

According to a study of the use of rosemary and lemon essential oils in the morning, and lavender and orange in the evening, aromatherapy was found to have some potential for improving cognitive function, especially in AD patients. 

Are you having problems with nightmares and insomnia, depression and anxiety?

  • Diffuse 20 drops of lemon
  • Take a relaxing bath with 15 drops of lemon in a cup of Epsom Salts. Massage your feet and hands with lemon oil
  • Rub a couple drops of Lemon oil into your palms and inhale

Other Oils for Depression   Main Page - Depression Remedy

Emotional Balance

Effect of aromatherapy on patients with Alzheimer's disease. In the present study, we examined the curative effects of aromatherapy in dementia in 28 elderly people, 17 of whom had Alzheimer's disease (AD)

Jimbo D1, Kimura Y, Taniguchi M, Inoue M, Urakami K.

According to a study of the use of rosemary and lemon essential oils in the morning, and lavender and orange in the evening, aromatherapy was found to have some potential for improving cognitive function, especially in AD patients.

Are you having problems with nightmares and insomnia, depression and anxiety?

  • Diffuse 20 drops of lemon
  • Take a relaxing bath with 15 drops of lemon in a cup of Epsom salts. Massage your feet and hands with lemon oil
  • Rub a couple drops of Lemon oil into your palms and inhale

Other Oils for Emotional Balance


Lemon oil can be useful for disinfecting the air in your sick room. Diffuse 20 drops twice daily or add 10 drops in 8 ounces of water and spray infected surfaces. This spray can also be used to clean floors and counter surfaces.

Lemon oil is also useful to remove greasy stains from most surfaces. Try mixing 5 drops with a couple ounces of water and microwave for 2 minutes to clean and freshen the inside.

Lemon can be combined with other oils to remove unpleasant odors in your bathroom, home or office. It works well with:

Other Oils for Environment

Hair Care

Lemon Essential Oil is a great treatment for oily hair due to its drying and clarifying properties.

It is also antimicrobial and antiseptic so it can assist with dandruff and acne issues.

Lemon oil can be mixed with a couple tablespoons of a carrier oil and rubbed into your scalp or in a warm water rinse to reduce excess oil in your hair.

Other Oils for Hair   Main Page Natural Hair Care


Lemon Essential Oil can help ease the symptoms of arthritis, cellulitis, rheumatism, poor circulation and obesity.

Massage the affected area with a lemon oil and a carrier oil in a 50:50 blend.

Other Oils for Inflammation   Main Page Chronic Inflammation

Immune System

In order to strengthen your immune system against infections, cold, flu and fever diffuse 20 drops of lemon twice a day.

Add 3-4 drops to all your drinking water to take advantage of its natural Vitamin C, citric acid, calcium, magnesium and bioflavonoids.

Other Oils for Immune System


Lemon Essential Oil stops the growth of bacteria and viruses that can cause respiratory infections such as laryngitis. It also has the ability to loosen mucous and phlegm in your throat.

Add a few drops and a teaspoon of honey to a hot cup of water for a pleasant drink that can assist with laryngitis treatment as well as a sore throat.

Add several drops to a hot aromatic bath or a pot of steaming water. Inhale the fumes an repeat as often as needed.

Other Oils for Laryngitis  Main Page Laryngitis Treatment


For cleaner whiter teeth add a couple drops of Lemon Essential Oil to your toothbrush in the morning.

To keep up good oral health gargle with warm water and 5 drops of Lemon Oil each morning.

Other Oils for Mouth

Nasal & Nose Bleeds

To treat a nosebleed, apply undiluted lemon oil over your nose and the back of your neck. Follow up with a cold damp compress.

Other Oils for Nasal & Nose Bleeds

Nausea and Vomiting

For digestive concerns such as nausea and vomiting take 20 drops of Lemon Essential Oil and diffuse it or add it to a cup of Epsom Salts in a hot bath.

Inhaling 2 to 3 drops of lemon Oil from a tissue for 5 to 10 minutes can significantly improve nausea and vomiting in pregnant women.

Other Oils for Nausea and Vomiting

Respiratory System

Lemon Essential Oil has been known to ease respiratory conditions such as:

  • asthma,
  • bronchitis
  • throat infections, and
  • excess mucous

Massage a few drops of Lemon oil on your chest and throat several times daily to help clear your airways

Consume lemon oil with a carrier oil in a 50:50 blend in a gel capsule 3 times a day with food and add a few drops undiluted to all your drinking water.

Other Oils For Your Respiratory System   Main Page - Respiratory Problems

Skin Treatment

Lemon Essential Oil can be used topically to help treat the following conditions:

  • acne,
  • boils,
  • chilblains,
  • corns,
  • cuts,
  • canker sores, 
  • insect bites,
  • mouth ulcers,
  • oily skin,
  • spots,
  • varicose veins,
  • warts

Other Oils for Your Skin   Main Page - Skin Treatment


Lemon Essential Oil has antispasmodic properties that can help as a stop snoring remedy. It also supports the respiratory system and eases symptoms of asthma. 

Massage a few drops of Lemon oil on your chest and throat several times daily to help clear your airways

Consume lemon oil with a carrier oil in a 50:50 blend in a gel capsule 3 times a day with food and add a few drops undiluted to all your drinking water.

Gargle with several drops in a glass of water.

Other Oils for Snoring   Main Page - Snoring Remedy

Sore Throat

Lemon Essential Oil works great for sore throat because it is antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and of course, high in vitamin C.

Put 3-4 drops in a cup of hot water and add some honey for taste. You will find it works wonders on a sore throat.

For a nice additional flavor you can also add a drop or two of Ginger oil (also good for sore throat) to the above mixture.

You can also inhale lemon oil or use a diffuser in your home.

Other Oils for Sore Throat    Main Page - Sore Throat Remedy

Toenail Fungus

Lemon Essential Oil has antiseptic and anti-fungal properties which, not only serves as a great toenail fungus remedy, but also eliminates other issues that may arise from a fungal infection.

You can apply the oil directly on your toenail or, if you prefer, dilute it with some carrier oil such as coconut oil. Allow the oil to soak in all around the nail to ensure the best coverage.

Other Oils for Toenail   Main Page Toenail Fungus


Centuries ago the ancient Egyptians used Lemon Oil to detoxify the body and it was even used as part of their embalming process.

To help detoxify your liver, take a capsule of a lemon/carrier oil blend (50:50) twice a day with food.

Other Oils for Toxins

Weight Management

Massage 7-8 drops of Lemon oil over your stomach area,

Add a few drops to your favorite beverage to promote normal digestive health and to help flush out excessive fluids retained in your cells.

Other Oils for Weight Management   Main Page - Weight Loss

Combine with Other Oils

Lemon Essential Oil blends well with:

Have You Tried Lemon Essential Oil?

Has it helped you? Tell us how!

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Where Can I Get These Oils?

I don't sell oils but here are my
recommended sources.

The companies I use and recommend guarantee the quality of their oils and I believe you will be satisfied with all your purchases, I am.

If you have any questions/concerns feel free to contact me.

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