7 Oils for Hair Loss

Hair Loss

Essential Oils can be very effective in hair loss treatments and in many cases can and do outperform pharmaceutical options.

The 7 oils featured on this page have similar benefits and features.

They are effective at treating greasy hair and dandruff; they strengthen fragile hair, prevent breakage and support growth; they increase the number and depth of hair follicles as well as the thickness of the dermal layer.

Did you know that most over-the-counter treatments for hair loss contain a medication called minoxidil.

Minoxidil is quite effective in preventing hair loss but only works during the period of application and has several undesirable side effects including itchiness and dermatosis.

In many cases these products, when they do work, are not any more effective than the essential oils we will be talking about on this page; essential oils that are all natural and have the backing of many scientific studies into preventing hair loss.

Single Oils For Hair Loss

Clary Sage Essential Oil

Clary Sage Essential Oil can help prevent dandruff, oily hair and hair loss when added to a hair product prior to each application. It also promotes hair growth and reduces breakage.

Clary Sage can also be used in combination with a carrier oil and other essential oils such as Rosemary.

More on Clary Sage Essential Oil and how to use it.

Geranium Essential Oil

Geranium Essential Oil is often used in skin care products due to its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. It improves scalp health and stimulates the growth and strength of hair follicles. 

More on Geranium Essential Oil and how to use it.

Lavender Essential Oil

In a 2016 study of the effects of Lavender Oil on Mice, results indicated that LO has a marked hair growth-promoting effect, as observed morphologically and histologically.  Pubmed.gov

Lavender Essential Oil can help stop hair loss by supporting scalp health and reducing incidences of irritation and dandruff. Studies have also shown that Lavender can even increase follicle count and depth.  

As a bonus, Lavender has antimicrobial properties which combat bacterial & fungal disorders.

More on Lavender Essential Oil and how to use it.

Peppermint Oil

Peppermint Oil Promotes Hair Growth without Toxic Signs. PubMed.gov

Peppermint Oil has been shown in a 2014 study to be more effective at stopping hair loss and promoting growth than minoxidil and without all the side effects.

Treatment using Peppermint can increase the number and depth of follicles as well as thicken the dermal layer.

More on Peppermint Oil and how to use it.

Roman Chamomile Essential Oil

Roman Chamomile Essential Oil has gentle and soothing properties which make it great for supporting hair growth and fighting against hair loss.

It can support a healthy scalp and is known for its ability to soothe irritated skin as well as strengthen fragile hair.

Use it often and leave it in your hair to do its work all through the day. 

More on Roman Chamomile Essential Oil and how to use it.

Rosemary Essential Oil

Rosemary Essential Oil is one of the best oils to use against hair loss and it can also address issues such as greasy hair and dandruff.

A 2005 study comparing the efficacy of rosemary oil against the medication called minoxidil showed a comparable and significant increase in hair growth after 6 months.  The incidences of itchy scalp, however, were more frequent in the minoxidil group.

More on Rosemary Essential Oil and how to use it.

Tea Tree Oil

Because of its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties, Tea Tree Oil is very effective at improving and supporting the health of your scalp. It can unclog your pores, soothe irritation and even treat a lice problem.

For these reasons it is a very popular oil for use against hair loss and dandruff while, at the same time, promoting additional hair growth. 

More on Tea Tree Oil and how to use it.

Recommended Oils for Hair Loss:

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    Natural Hair Care with Essential Oils

    Using Essential Oils for natural hair care is inexpensive and when used responsibly can be extremely healthy for your body. Learn to treat a dry scalp, thicken your hair, add strength and shine, eliminate dandruff, and much more, using healthy clinical grade essential oils.

Where Can I Get These Oils?

I don't sell oils but here are my
recommended sources.

The companies I use and recommend guarantee the quality of their oils and I believe you will be satisfied with all your purchases, I am.

If you have any questions/concerns feel free to contact me.

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