Spruce Essential Oil

Picea Mariana 

A native to North America, the native Americans used Spruce Essential Oil for medicinal, spiritual and practical reasons.

Typically found in wet marshy areas, spruce needles give a natural woodsy scent similar to pine but sweeter. If you have ever walked a mountain trail in Canada after a rain storm you will know what I am talking about. 

Due to its natural "grounding" effect, Spruce Oil helps to calm and focus your mind & body and is used commonly in fragrances and candles.

It is particularly popular during the Christmas season.

What is Spruce Essential Oil?

Let's start with some basic information; a brief description of where the oil comes from, what it contains and how it is obtained. The following information is provided by Bill Fifield in his book "Integrated Guide to Essential Oils & Aromatherapy".

This is a book that I highly recommend by the way.

About Spruce Essential Oil

Family:  Pinaceae
Origins:  A native of northern North America, from Newfoundland to Alaska, and south to Pennsylvania and Minnesota.
Other Names:  black spruce
Description:  A slow-growing, small upright evergreen coniferous tree having a straight trunk with a narrow, pointed crown. The needles are dark bluish green and the cones are the smallest of all of the spruces.
Extraction:  Essential oil by steam distillation 
Botanical Part Used: Needles

Principal Constituents:  camphene, alpha pinene, limonene, bornyl acetate, borneol, and others.

Integrated Guide to Essential Oils & Aromatherapy
by Bill Fifield  (forward by Dr. Daniel Penoel)

Methods of Application


  • Possible skin sensitivity
  • Consult your physician before using if pregnant, nursing, taking medications or have a medical condition
  • Keep out of the reach of children
  • Aromatically - Can be inhaled or diffused into the air
  • Topical - Can be applied to the skin (may require dilution with a carrier oil)
  • Internal - Can be taken internally in foods or beverages
  • Dilute - Requires dilution with a carrier oil such as fractionated coconut oil

Suggested Uses

Cold and Flu

Dilute a few drops of Spruce Oil with carrier oil into your palm and deeply inhale through your mouth and nose to calm a cough.

Diffuse spruce oil in the event of a sinus or respiratory infection, to improve your breathing, decongest your lungs and chest, as well as promote a restful sleep.

Other Oils for Cold & Flu   Main Page - Cold & Flu


Dilute a few drops of Spruce with carrier oil into your palm and deeply inhale through your mouth and nose to calm a cough.

Other Oils for Cough

Emotional Balance

As eluded to in my opening paragraph Spruce Essential Oil is great for calming and uplifting your spirits.

Diffusing this oil will provide a very comforting atmosphere while at the same time supporting your adrenal glands, reduce your stress and relieve physical exhaustion.

The oil can also be applied topically in a massage using a 50:50 blend of oil and a carrier oil. Hands and feet are recommended.

Other Oils for Emotional Balance


In addition to its pleasant smell, Spruce Oil diffused into your environment provides added protection from illness and infections.

It is especially enjoyable during cold winter months. 

Other Oils for Environment


If you are suffering from hyperthyroidism try an application of Spruce Oil, undiluted, to the base of your throat over the thyroid.

Some of the symptoms of hyperthyroidism include the following:

  • anxiety
  • brittle hair
  • fatigue
  • hand tremors
  • heart palpitations
  • irregular heartbeat
  • mood swings
  • nervousness
  • rapid heartbeat
  • dry skin
  • trouble sleeping

Immune System

Spruce Essential Oil is well known for its ability as an immune system booster. Use a diffuser or simply rub a couple drops into your palms and inhale deeply.

Other Oils for Immune System


Massage Spruce Essential Oil in a 50:50 blend with a carrier oil to any part of your body (especially inflamed tissues and joints) to reduce inflammation. 

  • It will reduce prostate inflammation when massaged on your abdomen daily.
  • It helps to calm spasms; digestive, respiratory, nervous, muscular, etc.
  • It can also soothe sciatica flare-ups.

You can also try adding 10 - 15 drops to a cup of Epsom Salts in a nice relaxing bath.

Other Oils for Inflammation   Main Page Chronic Inflammation


Inhaling Spruce Essential Oil can also help relieve laryngitis.

Add a couple drops of Spruce Oil to some steaming water and place a towel over your head. Inhale the fumes through your mouth for as long as there is enough steam. If desired you can repeat the process as often as needed in order to break up the mucous and phlegm on your vocal cords.

Spruce can also be added (15 drops) to some Epsom Salts in a hot aromatic bath.

Other Oils for Laryngitis  Main Page Laryngitis Treatment

Pain Management

Spruce Essential Oil has analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties so is useful in pain management. Dilute a couple drops with some carrier oil and massage the affected area.

If you are a chronic pain sufferer Spruce Oil may be your answer. This remarkable oil has been known to help with a variety of painful conditions such as:

  • arthritis symptoms
  • bone pain
  • lower back pain
  • rheumatism
  • sciatica

For Best Results

Make sure you are using "clinical grade" oils. (oils that match those used in clinical trials)  "Therapeutic grade" is merely a marketing term used to imply a degree of quality. Everyone claims their oils are therapeutic grade but in fact no government body or organization exists that "grades" or "certifies" essential oils. (see my page Essential Oil Quality)

Respiratory System

Spruce Essential Oil has antiseptic and expectorant properties which make it ideally suited for many respiratory issues.

A couple drops of oil can also be applied to your upper chest area, followed by a cool, damp cloth or compress to reduce the inflammation in your bronchioles. 

Also add a couple drops of oil to each application of lotions and creams.

Diffuse Spruce Oil in the event of a sinus or respiratory infection, to improve your breathing, decongest your lungs and chest, as well as promote a restful sleep.

Inhaling Spruce Oil in this manner works well with conditions such as:

  • laryngitis
  • sinusitis

Other Oils For Your Respiratory System   Main Page - Respiratory Problems

Stress Management

Spruce Essential Oil is great for calming and uplifting your spirits.

Diffusing this oil will provide a very comforting atmosphere while at the same time reduce your stress level and relieve physical exhaustion.

The oil can also be applied topically in a massage of your hands and feet using a 50:50 blend of spruce and a carrier oil

Other Oils for Stress   Main Page - Stress Management

Combine With Other Oils

Blends well with: 

Have You Tried Spruce Essential Oil?

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Where Can I Get These Oils?

I don't sell oils but here are my
recommended sources.

The companies I use and recommend guarantee the quality of their oils and I believe you will be satisfied with all your purchases, I am.

If you have any questions/concerns feel free to contact me.

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