Arthritis Pain Relief - Essential Oils

Recently arthritis pain relief has become very important to me.

I have been diagnosed with osteoarthritis and 3 years ago I was suffering with a lot of pain in my knees, elbows and wrists.

If you can relate, this page will be of interest to you because Essential Oils could be the answer you are looking for.

Please check out my personal story near the bottom of this page!

For Best Results

Make sure you are using "clinical grade" oils. (oils that match those used in clinical trials)  "Therapeutic grade" is merely a marketing term used to imply a degree of quality. Everyone claims their oils are therapeutic grade but in fact no government body or organization exists that "grades" or "certifies" essential oils. (see my page Essential Oil Quality)

Essential Oils are effective and can provide relief from arthritis pain so you may want to ask your doctor to include them in his overall plan for your treatment. In many cases, medications that he would normally prescribe can be replaced by essential oils.


Essential oil can be very beneficial in treating arthritis but some precautions should be taken:

  • Before applying essential oil to healthy skin it should be diluted with a carrier oil to avoid irritation.
  • When using oils in aromatherapy you may experience some discomfort such as headache or nausea. This could indicate that the scent is too strong or that another oil should be chosen.


The first thing you need to do for arthritis pain relief is address the inflammation.

After a bath or shower and while your skin is still warm and moist, massage a couple drops of Wintergreen onto the sore area. Wintergreen has a high percentage of methyl salicylate which is the active ingredient in aspirin and other pain relieving products such as Bengay and Tiger Balm.

Wintergreen will cause a heating sensation and in some cases may become uncomfortable. If this occurs add a carrier oil to the area instead of water. Water may only increase the burning. Soap and water can work if you don't have carrier oil handy.

Single Oils for Arthritis Pain Relief

note: What follows are brief introductions to oils that are
useful for the subject condition, ailment or concern.

For more information or methods of application,
click the "More on ..." link that follows each description.

Bergamot Essential Oil

Bergamot Essential Oil can calm inflammation of joints, muscles and nerves. You can add 10-15 drops with one cup of Epsom Salts in a warm bath or massage in a 50:50 blend with fractionated coconut oil.

More on Bergamot Essential Oil

Black Pepper Essential Oil

Blending Black Pepper with fractionated coconut at a 50:50 ratio will help to stimulate circulation and relieve the pain of arthritis, aching muscles, joints, sprains and neuralgia.

For arthritis pain relief, use this blend as a massage oil whenever needed.

More on Black Pepper

Cajeput Essential Oil

Cajeput Essential Oil has antispasmodic and analgesic properties and is able to reduce inflammation and relieve the pain of sore muscles, achy joints and rheumatoid arthritis.

More on Cajeput Essential Oil

Citronella Essential Oil

Citronella Essential Oil can be mixed 50:50 with a carrier oil like fractionated coconut oil and massaged into sore muscles and joints for soothing arthritis pain relief.

More on Citronella Essential Oil

Clove Oil

Clove Oil is famous for it's ability to dull a toothache but did you know it can also be applied to sore muscles/joints? Mix it with some fractionated coconut at a 25:75 ratio and massage into the painful area. It also helps with circulation.

More on Clove Oil

Cypress Essential Oil

Cypress Essential Oil helps to improve blood circulation in the muscles and joints and reduces inflammation which among other things, works to lower the incidence of cramps, arthritis pain and rheumatism.

More on Cypress Essential Oil

Eucalyptus Globulus

For arthritis pain relief, Eucalyptus Globulus can be applied topically in a 50:50 blend with carrier oils like fractionated coconut

It can also be mixed with a cup of Epsom Salts in a warm bath to relax muscles and ease aches and pains.

More on Eucalyptus Globulus

Eucalyptus Radiata

Like E. Globulus above, Eucalyptus Radiata can also assist with arthritis pain relief through topical application and in a warm bath.

More on Eucalyptus Radiata

Frankincense Essential Oil

Frankincense will help control inflammation in your muscles and joints and can act as a mild sedative.

It has analgesic, anti-inflammatory and anti-arthritic properties.

Use an equal amount of carrier oil such as fractionated coconut and apply topically wherever needed.

More on Frankincense Essential Oil

Ginger Essential Oil

The warming effect of Ginger Essential Oil can increase your circulation resulting in arthritis pain relief in your joints and muscles.

As a bonus, Ginger Oil can also help with other aches and pains as well as sprains and rheumatism.

More on Ginger Oil

Helichrysum Essential Oil

Helichrysum Essential Oil is a natural anti-inflammatory which can be used topically for arthritis pain relief as well as bruises and sore muscles.

Helichrysum can be applied for arthritis pain, rheumatism and strained muscles in a 50:50 blend using a carrier oil.

Helichrysum can be used with other oils in blends directly targeting arthritis.

More on Helichrysum Essential Oil

Juniper Essential Oil

Juniper Essential Oil causes improved blood circulation which provides arthritis pain relief as well as reduces the accumulation of uric acid that creates rheumatic and gout conditions.

More on Juniper Essential Oil

Lavender Essential Oil

Lavender Essential Oil works on arthritis, muscle aches/pains, lumbago, rheumatism and sprains.

Mix in a 50:50 blend with a carrier oil such as fractionated coconut and apply to the affected area for arthritis pain relief.

More on Lavender Essential Oil

Lemon Essential Oil

Lemon can ease the symptoms of arthritis and poor circulation when applied in a 50:50 blend with fractionated coconut.

More on Lemon Essential Oil

Marjoram Essential Oil

Marjoram Essential Oil is useful in easing the pain of neuralgia, arthritis and rheumatism as well as lower back pain, muscle stiffness and sprains.

More on Marjoram Essential Oil

Roman Chamomile Essential Oil

Roman Chamomile is effective for easing the pain of arthritis, inflamed joints, neuralgia and rheumatism. taken either topically in a 50:50 blend or in a warm bath mixed (15 drops) with Epsom Salts. It will also stimulate circulation and promote detoxification.

More on Roman Chamomile Essential Oil

Sweet Basil Essential Oil

Sweet Basil can can help ease the pain of gout, rheumatism and muscle aches/pains. Massage using a 50:50 blend with fractionated coconut oil.

More on Sweet Basil

Thyme Essential Oil

Thyme Essential Oil has powerful anti-inflammatory properties similar to those of NSAID (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) but is much safer.

Thyme also has a circulation stimulating effect which assists in alleviating the pain of gout, osteoarthritis, gout, sciatica, rheumatism, as well as sports injuries and muscle aches/pain.

More on Thyme Essential Oil

Ylang Ylang Essential Oil

Ylang Ylang Essential Oil has analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and sedative properties which make it a valuable addition for arthritis pain relief using multiple oils in a blend.

More on Ylang Ylang Essential Oil

Oils for Arthritis Pain Relief

Blends for Arthritis Pain Relief

The result of this study clearly shows that aromatherapy has major effects on decreasing pain and depression levels. Based on our experiment's findings, we suggest that aromatherapy can be a useful nursing intervention for arthritis patients. PubMed

Osteoarthritis Pain Relief

Source: Integrated Guide to Essential Oils & Aromatherapy by Bill Fifield  (forward by Dr. Daniel Penoel)

Apply 2 - 4 times daily

I use fractionated coconut oil as my carrier oil. 

Rheumatoid Arthritis Pain Relief

Source: Integrated Guide to Essential Oils & Aromatherapy by Bill Fifield  (forward by Dr. Daniel Penoel)

Apply 2 - 4 times daily

I use fractionated coconut oil as my carrier oil. 

Other Supporting Blends

Circulation Blend

Source: Integrated Guide to Essential Oils & Aromatherapy by Bill Fifield  (forward by Dr. Daniel Penoel)

Add oils to an empty essential oil bottle:

Allow to mix for a few hours then apply using a carrier oil such as fractionated coconut oil.

For more information see main page - Blood Circulation

Immune Balancing Blend

Source: Integrated Guide to Essential Oils & Aromatherapy by Bill Fifield  (forward by Dr. Daniel Penoel)

This blend is designed to be taken internally over an extended period of time (weeks or months) possibly in combination with other blends or prescribed medications (with a doctors approval of course).

Take a few drops daily in water or tea. It can also be added to a carrier oil and applied externally to the spleen, thymus and along the spine.

Inflammation Blend

Source: Integrated Guide to Essential Oils & Aromatherapy by Bill Fifield  (forward by Dr. Daniel Penoel)

This blend is quite tasty. Add 3 - 4 drops to some honey mixed in a cup of hot water or herbal tea.

You can also apply it topically in a green clay compress or a carrier oil in order to cover a larger area.

For more information see main page - Chronic Inflammation

Other Supporting Blends

Blend for General Joint Pain

I am adding this category because I recently stumbled onto a blend that I find very effective for general joint pain including arthritis pain relief.

This blend creates a cooling sensation in the area that I find very relaxing and a nice alternative to the heat you get from Wintergreen. Give it a try and let me know what you think.

More Information

In cases where you need a little extra arthritis pain relief consider using oils discussed on my page about Pain Management.

My Personal Story

For ongoing arthritis pain relief consider taking Moringa Oleifera. I have an interesting story about being pain free for over 2 years by taking this incredible botanical every day.

I have been diagnosed with osteoarthritis and 3 years ago I was suffering with a lot of pain in my knees, elbows and wrists.

For the last 2.5 years however, I have been pain free thanks to a natural botanical that contains over 90 verified nutrients including 36 anti-inflammatories. 

Unfortunately, a couple months ago I injured my knee and the arthritis added to my pain making recovery a slow process.

I was already involved in the essential oil business and was well aware of the benefits these oils were for people suffering from various forms of arthritis. The time had come to put them to the test on my own body.

Update July 20, 2016: Thanks to essential oils and my miracle product, my knee is again pain free.  

(Contact me if you want more info on Moringa Oleifera)

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Where Can I Get These Oils?

I don't sell oils but here are my
recommended sources.

The companies I use and recommend guarantee the quality of their oils and I believe you will be satisfied with all your purchases, I am.

If you have any questions/concerns feel free to contact me.

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