Ylang Ylang Essential Oil

Ylang Ylang Essential Oil

Cananga Odorata

Because of its unique smell, Ylang Ylang Essential Oil is most commonly used as an ingredient in cosmetics, perfumes, and fragrances but it is also well known for its health benefits. 

It can be used to treat high blood pressure, depression or your nervous system. It is an antiseptic, an aphrodisiac and a sedative. 

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What is Ylang Ylang Essential Oil?

Let's start with some basic information; a brief description of where the oil comes from, what it contains and how it is obtained. The following information is provided by Bill Fifield in his book "Integrated Guide to Essential Oils & Aromatherapy".

This is a book that I highly recommend by the way.

About Ylang Ylang Essential Oil

Family:  Annonaceae
Origins:  Tropical Asia, especially Indonesia and the Philippines. Major producers are Madagascar, Reunion, and the Comoro Islands. 
Other Names:  flower of flowers
Description:  A tall tropical tree with large, fragrant pink, mauve, or yellow flowers. Yellow flowers are considered the best for extracting the essential oil.
Extraction:  Essential oil by water or steam distillation
Botanical Part Used: freshly picked flowers

Principal Constituents:  methyl benzoate e, methyl salicylate, methyl para-cresol, benzyl acetate, eugenol, geraniol, linalool and terpenes: pinene, cadinene, and others

Integrated Guide to Essential Oils & Aromatherapy
by Bill Fifield  (forward by Dr. Daniel Penoel)

Methods of Application


  • Possible skin sensitivity
  • Consult your physician before using if pregnant, nursing, taking medications or have a medical condition
  • Avoid your eyes, mucous membranes and sensitive skin
  • Do not use on infants and young children
  • Aromatically - Can be inhaled or diffused into the air
  • Topical - Can be applied to the skin (may require dilution with a carrier oil)
  • Neat - Can be taken at full strength without dilution

Uses for Ylang Ylang Essential Oil


As discussed below, under the heading "Emotional Balance", Ylang Ylang Essential Oil has been proven to provide relief from stress and anxiety and can calm your nerves so as to put you in a relaxed state of mind.

As a side effect of this, you may find your interest in romance returning and your sex drive increased. This can be very helpful if your interest has deteriorated due to the stresses of every day life.

Here are some Ylang-Ylang Essential Oil applications to try:

  • create a tonic using a small amount in a blend with other oils (see below) for diffusing
  • you can add it to a carrier oil in a 50:50 blend and use it to massage your feet.
  • add it to some Epsom Salts in a bath for an aromatic and relaxing soak.
  • Sprinkle a few drops in the steam room.
  • Steep some pressed flowers in a tea.

Blood Pressure

Many drugs commonly prescribed for this condition come with some seriously adverse side effects. Now you have access to this completely natural solution which has no side effects when taken in small quantities as outlined here.

Ylang-Ylang Essential Oil helps control high blood pressure as well as an irregular/racing heartbeat. Diffuse a drop with other aromatic oils.

Other Oils for Blood Pressure   Main Page - Healthy Blood Pressure


Ylang-Ylang Essential Oil in a depression remedy can provide you with some relief from stress and negative emotions such as anger, anxiety, depression, fear and frustration.

Take advantage of its sedative qualities by blending a small amount with other oils and:

  • add 15 drops to a cup of Epsom Salts in a relaxing bath
  • massage it on the bottoms of your feet
  • diffuse 20 drops into the room

Ylang Ylang Essential Oil has been proven to provide relief from stress and anxiety and can calm your nerves so as to put you in a relaxed state of mind.

It can provide you with some relief from stress and negative emotions such as anger, anxiety, depression, fear and frustration.

Other Oils for Depression   Main Page - Depression Remedy


Use in conjunction with medical therapies in the treatment of diabetes. (under the supervision of your health care professional of course).

Diffuse 1 drop of Ylang-Ylang Essential Oil with 20 drops of other aromatic oils.

Other Oils for Diabetes    Main Page - Treatment for Diabetes 


Modulation of cognitive performance

Peppermint was found to enhance memory whereas Ylang-Ylang Essential Oil impaired it, and lengthened processing speed. In terms of subjective mood peppermint increased alertness and Ylang-Ylang Essential Oil decreased it, but significantly increased calmness.

Moss M1, Hewitt S, Moss L, Wesnes K.

Emotional Balance

Ylang-Ylang Essential Oil can provide you with some relief from stress and negative emotions such as anger, anxiety, depression, fear and frustration.

Take advantage of its sedative qualities by blending a small amount with other oils and:

  • add 15 drops to a cup of Epsom Salts in a relaxing bath
  • massage it on the bottoms of your feet
  • diffuse 20 drops into the room

Other Oils for Emotional Balance

Hair Care

A couple drops of Ylang Ylang Essential Oil can be added to your shampoo or conditioner to:

  • Improve hair strength and appearance
  • Increase sebum production & moisturize your scalp
  • Increase hair volume
  • Reduce hair loss by relieving stress (see Emotional Balance above)

Other Oils for Hair   Main Page Natural Hair Care


Ylang-Ylang Essential Oil inhibits microbial growth and disinfects wounds to stop bacterial, fungal and viral infections. It is also known to help speed recovery and assist in the healing process.

Other Oils for Healing   Main Page Healing Oil


Ylang Ylang Essential Oil can be used as an insomnia remedy.

Take advantage of its sedative qualities by blending a small amount with other oils (see link "other Oils for Insomnia" below) and:

  • add 15 drops to a cup of Epsom Salts in a relaxing bath
  • massage it on the bottoms of your feet
  • diffuse 20 drops into the room

Other Oils for Insomnia   Main Page Insomnia Remedy


Ylang-Ylang Essential Oil can provide you with some relief from stress and negative emotions such as anger, anxiety, depression, fear and frustration. This calming ability can help you avoid emotional conditions that can induce seizure. 

Take advantage of its sedative qualities by blending a small amount with other oils and:

  • add 15 drops to a cup of Epsom Salts in a relaxing bath
  • massage it on the bottoms of your feet
  • diffuse 20 drops into the room
  • In your travels, whenever you feel a seizure coming on, use an Essential Oil Inhaler filled with Ylang Ylang and inhale deeply.

Oils NOT recommended for use in Epilepsy:

  • Camphor
  • Eucalyptus
  • Fennel
  • Hyssop
  • Rosemary
  • Sage
  • Spike Lavender *

Other Lavenders are okay

Other Oils for Seizure   Main Page - Seizure Treatment

Skin Treatment

A drop of Ylang Ylang Essential Oil can be added to your lotion or liniment to treat oily skin or mixed with carrier oils and applied to your face to reduce blemishes

This mixture also works on hair to improve its strength and appearance. Just massage it in where needed. 

Other Oils for Your Skin   Main Page - Skin Treatment

Stress Management

Ylang Ylang Essential Oil has been proven to provide relief from stress and anxiety and can calm your nerves so as to put you in a relaxed state of mind.

It can provide you with some relief from stress and negative emotions such as anger, anxiety, depression, fear and frustration.

(See category on "Emotional Balance" above)

Other Oils for Stress   Main Page - Stress Management

Combine With Other Oils

Ylang Ylang Essential Oil blends well with:

Have You Tried Ylang Ylang?

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Where Can I Get These Oils?

I don't sell oils but here are my
recommended sources.

The companies I use and recommend guarantee the quality of their oils and I believe you will be satisfied with all your purchases, I am.

If you have any questions/concerns feel free to contact me.

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